Vick Martinez
Pastor of Hispanic Ministries
Vick has served as our Pastor of Hispanic Ministries since July of 2023. Born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico, he has been a pastor/minister for 21 years serving as both a church planter and as a pastor of previously established churches. In addition to his ministry in the local church, he has become a highly recognized figure in the Baptist denomination in Mexico serving as a speaker/preacher at national events including the CONAJEBA youth conference (2006-2012), “Contra Corriente,” PIB Delicias, and others. He has also served for regional conventions, camps, workshops, marriage conferences, and pastor training events, all while continuing his work and ministry with his local congregation. He has demonstrated his commitment to missions by participating and leading various mission trips to countries in South America, once partnering with the First Baptist Church of The Woodlands, Texas.
Vick earned an undergraduate degree in Industrial Relationship (Human Resources) before pursuing his theological education. Vick also earned a Bachelor of Theological Studies (cum laude) from Seminario Teológical Bautista Mexicano (2005) and a Master of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2023). Not only is he a student of God’s Word, but Vick also has served as an instructor of online courses for two Baptist seminaries in Mexico – Instituto Teológico Betsaida and Seminario Teológico Bautista Mexicano – teaching courses in the History of Christianity and Baptists, Church Administration, New Testament Exegesis, and others.
Pastor Vick’s leadership and affiliation with the Baptist denomination in Mexico extends further to include his role as Vice President of the National Alliance of Baptist Pastors of the National Baptist Convention of Mexico. He also was part of the formation of the pastoral net of Horeb, an organization that provides pastors the opportunity to mentor and be mentored, and to hold each other accountable to one another in love and unity. Vick is well-known throughout the Baptist circles in Mexico but also has many connections to Baptist churches and Christian leaders in Texas, particularly Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, and San Antonio.
Vick and and his wife Andrea have a beautiful marriage and Christ-centered family. They are a very close family, and all share a love for each other and for the Lord. All four of them are deeply involved in the ministry work of their church. Andrea holds a degree in Psychology with specializations in Family Therapy, Teaching of Children with Down Syndrome, and Language Therapy for Children. She also serves as a speaker for camps, workshops, and conferences which focus on young people and women. She has also served as a speaker for Editorial Mundo Hispano. Victor is an avid fútbol (soccer) player and has been recruited by the farm teams associated with FC Dallas soccer team. Valentina loves to draw and is an accomplished artist.