Tom Webster
Associate Pastor of Worship & Administration
Tom was born and reared in Dallas, TX. A big fan of Tom Landry and Roger Staubach, he learned from an early age to root for the Dallas Cowboys, a life principle that he follows today despite the decades of painful mediocrity that has plagued the franchise. For the past 30 years he has had parallel careers in Christian higher education and church ministry serving in various faculty and administrative roles at two Texas Baptist institutions (HPU and ETBU), and with many Texas Baptist Churches (most recently First Baptist, Longview). With degrees in church music and conducting, he graduated from Howard Payne University (BM), Texas Christian University (MM), and Texas Tech University (Ph.D.). He also pursued post graduate studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as a research fellow at B.H. Carrol Theological Institute. Tom has also partnered with various ministry programs and conference activities with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Tom has been married to his best friend and helpmate, Angela, for the past 30 years. Tom and Angela have been blessed with two wonderful daughters, which the Lord brought to them when the girls were teenagers. Celesta Ruiz, her husband Paco, and their two boys live in Marshall, where the Webster and Ruiz families enjoy time together often. Vianney and her three children live in their home country of Mexico. Tom and Angela love spending time together, and with their families in Marshall and Dallas.