Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2 (CSB)

The FBC Nac Primetimers Ministry is an intentional ministry designed for adults ages 60 and over in our church and community. This ministry commits itself to serving God by providing activities and programs which foster spiritual growth, service to others, positive intergenerational relations, Christian recreational/social interactions, and continued educational opportunities.

The ministry is designed in four distinct, but overlapping, areas, and our desire is for every Primetimer to participate in at least one activity in each of these four areas:

Primetimers SERVE – Primetimers PLAY – Primetimers GROW – Primetimers GO

Primetimers Serve

In keeping with two of the pillars of our church – SERVE THE BODY and SERVE THE WORLD – the Primetimers ministry seeks to engage in every FBC Nac Primetimers in service projects, some of which are stand-alone programs, and others are collaborative projects or activities with other ministries. FBC Nac provides over 120 ministries, and many are well suited for participation by our Primetimers population.  

Here are some ways you can SERVE:

  • Backpack Ministry
  • Handwork That Helps
  • Sonshine Flower Ministry – Contact Reba Jane Gayler
  • TJR Welcome Back Crew
  • Lighthouse Community Choir – See Primetimers GO (below).  Contact Katie Gonzalez.
  • Homebound, Nursing Home, and Hospital Visitation Ministry

Primetimers Play

Social interaction and activity are important for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of every person. The Primetimers ministry seeks to provide many and varied opportunities for people to just have fun. As we enjoy the company of others we open doors for Gospel conversations, discipleship discussion, spiritual encouragement, and church outreach. So, let’s play together and play with others.

  • Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Primetimer Pickleballers: Nacogdoches is one of the leading communities in the national pickleball craze. With outstanding facilties in multiple locations throughout the city, FBCNac Primetimers have a strong presence in the the pickleball community of Nacogdoches. This can become a strong avenue for fellowship and outreach.
  • Younger Older’s Game Night – Second Thursday evening each month
  • Lunch Bunch (see Primetimers Go)

Primetimers Grow

James 4:7-8 reads, “Therefore, submit to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”  As committed followers of Christ, Primetimers seek to draw near to God and be in a consistent state of spiritual growth.

Corporate Worship Activities:

Inasmuch as every Christian is mandated in scripture to worship God (Deuteronomy 6:8), and because our worship is a critical part of our spiritual growth, it is our desire that all Primetimers participate regularly in our corporate worship activities on Sunday mornings at 10:15.  Further, we hope that our Primetimers can assist others who, for whatever reasons cannot worship in person with us in person, has the technical ability and knowledge to participate in worship through our online livestream or our cable broadcast. This could also be part of the Homebound, Homebound, and Hospital Visitation Ministry (see Primetimers Serve above).

Sunday School:

The experience of studying God’s word, particularly as part of the close fellowship of a small group of believers, all Primetimers are called upon to join and actively participate in a Sunday School class. FBCNac provides many Sunday School class options, including age-specific classes as well as classes that are more eclectic in their participation. Contact Mark McLendon or Tom Webster if you need assistance getting connected with a Sunday School class.

Small Group Bible Studies & Prayer Groups:

FBCNac offers a multitude of opportunities for you to participate in Bible study and prayer groups that will facilitate a closer walk with the Lord. Such groups are part of the Women’s and Men’s Ministries. If you are not involved in one of these groups, contact Susan Anthony, Grant Keith, or Tom Webster to learn about the many options available to you.

Women's & Men's Ministries:

These are gender-specific ministries that are designed for women and men of all ages. To learn more about W2W (Women’s Ministry activities) contact Susan Anthony. To learn more about Man Cave (Men’s Ministry activities) contact Grant Keith.

Hilltop U Bible Conference:

Hilltop University is a spiritual renewal retreat for Adults 55+ hosted every May at East Texas Baptist University. Conference events include corporate worship, preaching, Bible studies, concerts, breakout sessions, and dessert fellowships. During your stay, enjoy our on-campus housing in a spectacular residence facility and delicious meals in ETBU’s Bennett Student Commons!

Primetimers Go

Sometimes it is just good to get away. Primetimers love to pack a bus or two and GO. When we GO, we also SERVE, PLAY, and GROW.  

Lighthouse Community Choir

This community choir meets most Wednesday mornings at local assisted living facilities and treatment centers. We worship with joy through the singing of favorite hymns and share the love of Jesus with other seniors in our community. We would LOVE to have you join us for this time of fellowship, ministry, and praise.
For more information, text Katie Gonzalez at 619-888-2268.

Everlasting Choir Celebration

Each year Lighthouse Community Choir members attend an overnight trip to the Everlasting Choir Celebration.

This year it is held near Dallas March 24 & 25.
Text Katie Gonzalez at 619-888-2268 for more information.

Lunch Bunch

One day of each month, we travel to a restaurant in a nearby community to enjoy lunch together and fellowship. We typically leave around 11:00am and return by 2:00pm, but the exact times are adjusted for each trip depending on the destination. On those occasions that we stay in town, we meet at the local restaurant.

Day Away – Get Away Trips:

The Primetimers enjoy one-day trips to relatively close communities to enjoy fellowship, food, and various events specific to each community we visit.