

Missions engages the whole church with the whole world in obedience to the command to make disciples. As a church, we support and serve alongside several dozen other churches, missionaries, organizations, and ministries both in the Nacogdoches area and around the world.

There are year-round projects, trips, and specific needs that require every disciple to invest in some way. There are opportunities for every age, stage of life, ability, and calling. Opportunities span from only a few hours to long-term commitments and from your neighborhood to around the world.

Watch Our 2024 SERVE DAY VIDEO

Spring Break Mission Trips

We have some great Spring Break Mission Trips planned for 2025!

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Ecuador Medical Mission Trip 2025

This summer, June 14-21, we will take a team of medical professionals and non-medical volunteers to offer mobile medical clinics to four communities in partnership with the local churches in the region around the city of Ambato, Ecuador.

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Local Partners
Love INC.

Love In the Name of Christ of Nacogdoches wants to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve individuals and families in need. They represent churches that want to journey with people while they work toward self-sufficiency. They want to show Love through building relationships, and furthering Christ’s kingdom. One call to Love INC’s Clearinghouse directs individuals to their application process; a place where help awaits, whether that is through Love INC or a local church.

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Backpack Food Ministry

The Backpack Food Ministry provides bags of nutritious food for children to take home over the weekend. Each week, bags are filled with nutritious food and a Bible story/activity. Students take them home each Friday to tide them over until they return to school Monday morning.

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Baptist Student Ministry at SFA

The Baptist Student Ministry at Stephen F. Austin State University is dedicated to providing ministries and opportunities that allow students to grow in Christ, serve, and go into the world to share the love of Jesus.

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Christian Women's Job Corp

With the transforming power of God’s love, Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) ministers to women by providing life skills, job readiness training, and Bible study in a Christ-centered environment. Woman to woman, CWJC empowers participants to build a foundation for successful employment and pursuing their life goals, whether it is a better job, a better education, or a better life.

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The main goal of GODTEL Ministries is to meet the deep inner spiritual need all men and women have for a life-changing relationship with our Creator and Savior. To achieve this goal we utilize practical Christianity - providing the basic physical needs of the poor and homeless to get a hearing for the gospel message (two formal Bible studies daily and church on Sunday).

GODTEL provides short-term housing for the homeless, on-site meals for the hungry, and clothing, household items, and furniture (when available) for those in need of these items. There is no monetary cost to the recipients of our services. All we ask is that they abide by the rules we have in place.

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Heartbeat C.P.C.

Heartbeat Christian Pregnancy Center provides comprehensive pregnancy-related services to women and unborn babies in Nacogdoches County and surrounding areas. They seek to educate the public on the risks of abortion and the emotional, physical and spiritual effects that result, the benefits of abstinence until marriage, and the unselfish option of adoption.

It is their prayer and purpose to provide women a hope and future by meeting their physical, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual needs. They want them to know that they are not alone in their crisis and help them recognize that in a world of confusion and disappointment God and His love never change.

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Our local Heartbeat Christian Pregnancy Center serves more than 50 women each month through pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and motherhood counseling. One way you can help is by donating Newborn Kits. These kits help new moms with some basics needs for their newborn blessing.

You can help meet this need by:
1. Making a donation marked "Heartbeat Kits". You can either donate through our church giving page or directly to Heartbeat CPC.
2. Purchasing the gender neutral items listed below and dropping them off at the church during office hours or at Heartbeat CPC:

  • Newborn Onesie (gray, white, green, or yellow)
  • Baby blanket
  • Pair of newborn socks
  • Bottle of baby lotion or soap
  • Small toy/stuffed animal

Glory Gang

As a community-wide, non-denominational outreach in Nacogdoches County, Texas, Glory Gang recognize the challenges that youth are faced with today, and are dedicated to helping at-risk children, ages 3 to 12, by providing them with something positive and consistent in their lives, sharing the gospel and offering hope for a better future.

We need volunteers to help serve meals on Sunday nights each semester. If you would like to help, contact Kaleb West, , 936-564-1131.

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Solid Foundation Association Nacogdoches

Solid Foundation Association was developed to empower at-risk children and young adult learners. They believe, "the stronger the foundation, the stronger the life!"

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Jail Ministry

Details coming soon.

North America Partners
Jacy (Moose) & Tara Clark - Valley LIfe CHURCH Fraser, COLORADO

In October 2023, the Clarks will be relocating to Valley Life Church in Fraser Colorado to continue and complete a year long season of development to become church planters with the Colorado Baptist and the North American Mission Board. Moose and Tara are both graduates of Stephen F Austin and after a season at seminary returned to FBC Nacogdoches to prepare for their next ministry assignment. Our church, in conjunction with Valley Life Church in Fraser, Colorado, is sending them to the high country community of Kremmling, Colorado to plant/replant a new church to gather and reach that community.

Would you commit to doing your part (whatever the Lord might lead you to) in sending this family on this mission?

Click the link below to sign up for newsletter updates, give to support the church plant, or connect with the Clarks!

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It all started in a little coffee shop in Pullman, WA…

Amongst the rolling hills of the Palouse, God was moving in the hearts of college students at Washington State University. A gathering of 5 people grew to 50. The ask presented at the end of each sounded like this; “If what we’re talking about resonates with you, please stick around”. As time went on and more and more students were beginning to experience Jesus, community began to grow and has ever since.

God has moved in the hearts of students to join the mission that God has for Resonate Church; be disciples who make disciples in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. From one site at WSU in 2007 to now 15 different sites across the Pacific Northwest, God has moved and worked in the hearts of families and students to grow closer to him and live for His mission. It’s exciting to see God move in such a tangible way and we are expectant of what is to come. We’re grateful for what God has done, but we press on knowing there is still much work to do.


Pineywoods Encampment

Details coming soon.

TBOC Church - Dallas, TX & St. Louis, MO

International Partners
Joe & Donna Rider - Wycliff Bible Translators

Details coming soon.

Charlotte Wootton Lee - e3 Partners

Details coming soon.

Terry & Twylia Bell - IMB Tanzania

Shinyanga Baptist Association - Tanzania

Details coming soon.

Salasaka Baptist Church - Ecuador