We are so excited that you've made the decision to follow Jesus and are ready to be baptized!

Baptism Registration Form

Testimony Video Signup

Baptism Testimony Video Guide

We ask each person who is being baptized to record a brief video testimony that will be shown to our church family the day that you are baptized. This should be 30-45 seconds (or less) in length.

  • Please write out your brief testimony and practice reading it out loud before you come.
    • Below are some prompts to help you think through this process: 
      • Briefly share about your life before Christ and what led you to a decision to follow him.
        • Was there a specific moment when you gave your life to Him?
        • What were the details surrounding that decision?
      • Since trusting Jesus, how has your life changed and how does Jesus continue to shape your life today?
      • Share why you would like to be baptized and go public with your faith today.
      • Each testimony should end with you saying "Today, I'm going public with my faith."
  • Send us your typed testimony at least a day before you are scheduled to record your video.
    • Email it to   and the minister or person who may be working with you.
    • We will then put your typed out testimony into a teleprompter that will allow you to read it so that you don't have to worry about memorizing it!
  • Below you will find examples of previous baptisms to give you an idea of what it looks like!
  • Please use the link below to sign up for a time to come to the church to record your baptism testimony video.
    • If the times do not work for you, we can work around your schedule. Reach out to Jonathan by phone or email.

Testimony Video Signup

Baptism Examples

Testimony Video Signup