Sunday School Leader Training

Sunday, August 18, 2019, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday School Leader Training

This Training Is For All Adult Sunday School Leaders:
Teachers, Co-Teachers, Subs, Directors, Roll Keepers & Outreach/Care Group Leaders

You Do Not Want To Miss Out On This Session!

Sign up on the form provided for your Sunday School Class Leaders or call Lynne Witcher in the church office. 936-564-7379

A fajita meal will be served from 5:00 - 5:30pm 
Please make reservations so we will know how much food to provide.

Childcare Provided: Sign-Up Required

Childcare is offered but you will need to sign up for it on the sign up sheet in your SS Class.

Training Session Led By Josh Hunt

Josh will preach in the morning service and will lead the SS leadership training that evening. He is author of several books related to Sunday School, small groups, teaching and disciple making. Josh is the world’s #1 Bible Study Lesson writer. Having written 4 lessons a week for 20 years and counting, his lessons are not like other lessons. They consist of 20 ready-to-use questions that spark discussion, create controversy and get groups talking. Josh is a popular seminar speaker and we are excited to have him come and lead us in this special leadership training before a new Sunday School year begins!

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